a stolen life; My Thoughts Memoir.


a stolen life by Jaycee Dugard was suggested to me by a co-worker. She gave me a list of books to read that she deemed as ‘deep’ and ‘heart-wrenching’ so I gave it a chance. Reading the back of the book (fun fact: also known as the blurb) caught my eye. For anyone who hasn’t yet heard of this book it’s about a young girl who was kidnapped and held captive for eighteen years.

a stolen life, thus far, has been the hardest book to read because of the real, honest, and gut turning details Jaycee writes about. Every page I turned there was a detail I couldn’t handle, or something I wasn’t expecting her to say. Jaycee’s story is sad, but also inspiring. She makes it a point to discuss her life pre, post, and present her captivity.

Whenever I picked up my book I would read a whole chapter if I could. Again, somethings were graphic and I couldn’t take my brain to those dark places for too long. Yes the book was a great one, but honestly, I couldn’t imagine ever going through something so horrific as Jaycee did. Something so traumatic as this changes you.

We hear about stories of children, families, relatives, or maybe sometimes people we know being kidnapped. Some come home and some don’t. Jaycee was very lucky.

She says, “On August 26, 2009, I took my name back. My name is Jaycee Lee Dugard. I don’t think of myself as a victim, I simply survived an intolerable situation.”

What’s different about this book is that throughout Jaycee gives reflection moments. In certain chapters there’s a focus on how she felt during specific instances in her life during captivity. Earlier I mentioned her story being inspiring, and it is because you see the growth she experiences because of it.  Like she stated, she didn’t see herself as the victim. Jaycee always seemed to have this free spirit about her, she always seemed hopeful.

Her story is unique and I can only hope no other family has to go through what hers has. While her story is unfortunate she has done some great things afterwards. She has overcome obstacles and has started her life over.

Below is her foundation she has started, one of the many positives that has come from a horrible situation.

Check out her website. I hope you enjoyed her book as much as I did.

Her foundation is The JAY C Foundation Inc. http://thejaycfoundation.org/

Published by Jordan

Hey everyone. Thanks for stopping by. I love to read and write. I started this blog to hone my craft of writing and to discuss different topics pertaining to my life! I am self-published, "Pieces of Me: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories." I truly believe writing is an outlet for people to express how they feel, and hopefully when you read what I've written you'll be inspired.

2 thoughts on “a stolen life; My Thoughts Memoir.

  1. The poor girl was too damaged to even realize she had more than enough freedom to chase away her captors as soon as they trusted her enough to take her on errands.

    How she found the courage to put re-built her life afterward is beyond me. God bless her..


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