Set a goal, accomplish it, & start all over again.

Hey everyone! It’s 2018 so the new year, new me facades have started and while some are irked by it, I think it’s important. It’s important because no one should want to be the same person they were last year, there should always be room for growth. Growth is so important in your everyday life, in who you are as a person,  and in what you want to accomplish. How can you want to change or become a new you if you’re still doing the same old thing…that doesn’t make much sense now does it?

Now,  I didn’t write this blog to down play, or have anyone in their feelings. This post is to keep you encouraged about the goals you’ve set for yourself this year. For me, I  had several goals (some small and big) to accomplish throughout the year. It’s sad that I consider myself a decent writer, someone who loves to play with words, etc. and I barely use my blogging site. So it’s kind of ironic I’m writing this now. Well that stops today, this year. I need to be more consistent in my blogging. How hypocritical would I be encouraging others but I can’t give myself the same advice (that’s a topic for another day).

Right now, while these first seven days started off great, they quickly became unsteady simply because I’m sick, and with the snow we’ve had I haven’t wanted to do anything, but don’t take that as an excuse. I feel like with all of that happening I’ve written more in the past seven days than I have in a while; and it feels AMAZING! My goals this year were simple, write more on any and all platforms (blogging, journal, prayer journal, poetry & short stories), exercise more, eat healthier, and maybe, just maybe go to a spoken word and recite one of my pieces. I haven’t quite conquered that beast yet, but I will, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and I’m not giving up. My biggest goal, something I’ve been working on is in motion now, so be on the look out, but not accomplishing that sooner has pushed me further to get it done this year. I can’t lack confidence in myself anymore, I can’t tell myself I’ll get to it later because in all honesty I know later will never come.

It’s simple. Set your goals and stick to them. Write it down, have someone hold you accountable, including yourself. Just stay on top of what you set out to accomplish. I don’t know about you, but when I set goals and I don’t accomplish them I become my worst critic, and I beat myself up (and not just for these long or short term goals I have set), but also for any redundant task I may have throughout the day. Everyone wants to be a go-getter, but no one wants to put the work in! Everyone wants to be so inspirational but no one wants to inspire. How is that possible? You want to save for an apartment, but you’re spending all your money, you want to be healthier but you’re still eating junk food and not changing your diet. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, it’s impossible.

If you have goals set, get them accomplished. It’s 2018, and every day or every year you’re not getting things done you’re hindering yourself. Don’t let another year go by and you don’t set out to do what you planned because you’ll only have yourself to blame. Take the time, write them out, give yourself a time frame, something, but the longer you sit on your dreams the less they’ll come true. If you want this year to be your best yet, if you want this year to be the year you ‘live your best life’ let it start with the goals you’ve set. Accomplish them, and then reset again at the drawing board!

It’s 2018, there’s no more room for error. There’s no more time to play games. Set your goals and hit the mark, and if you fail that’s okay too, but not doing anything only keeps you stuck. Growth starts with you, so get to it so you can inspire whomever and be a better you.

Published by Jordan

Hey everyone. Thanks for stopping by. I love to read and write. I started this blog to hone my craft of writing and to discuss different topics pertaining to my life! I am self-published, "Pieces of Me: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories." I truly believe writing is an outlet for people to express how they feel, and hopefully when you read what I've written you'll be inspired.

One thought on “Set a goal, accomplish it, & start all over again.

  1. Goal setting yes!! This year me and in my best friend have been going by two saying, “apply pressure,” and “we don’t dream…we just set goals.” Both based on accountability. That pressure applied makes our goals a must do! I tell myself everyday im am not a dreamer but a goal setter. Like you said, we have to set a timeframe and set out reach it. And girl, i think everyone is their biggest critic and it usually is because we all compare ourselves to others have accomplished what we want to do and think we are good enough. Forget all that! This year is about being good enough to satisfy you. I cannot wait for you to recite one of your poems! I hope you have someone record it so i can see. I love your work!

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