Listen less and Grow more.


Have you ever felt like the people around you never have anything positive to say? Or people just don’t understand the things you have going on in your life? I know I have. I’ve learned that it’s okay that people won’t understand the things you have going on in your life, or why you chose to do things you do, but it sure can be burdensome or draining when you think you’re doing well and someone tries to knock you down. This goes for whoever is in your life that may not be giving you the advice you should be hearing. Not what they think you need to hear because it’s the advice they think you need. There is a difference, trust me.

I’m the type of person who always want to please everyone, but even now I’m learning that if what I’m doing someone doesn’t like, or they aren’t helping me grow then I need to keep them as far away from me as possible. Remember, you are your worst critic, and essentially are the only one stopping you from growing. If you continuously beat yourself up for not being where you want to be because you’re listening to others then you are never going to grow. Sometimes listening to other people will only put you in a state of mind where you start listening to what they have to say, and whose to say that the advice their giving you is correct? Please stop doing that. Everything you do doesn’t have to have to be validated by other people. If you didn’t ask anyone for advice, and even if it’s something that you think isn’t the best choice for you don’t listen to them.

Live your life. Make the decision you think is best for you. Call on people who you know will give you advice that is sound, valuable, and honest. You’re at a point in your life where you should be even if it seems like things may not always be going so great. What is for you is meant for you, and what is meant for someone else is for them. That’s another thing, stop comparing what you have or where you are to someone else’s life. If you need to change somethings in your life then by all means do so. You can’t grow by listening to what other people have to say all the time. They don’t live your life, they don’t know what you’ve been through, they don’t know how much you’ve changed.

Essentially, all that matters is the decisions you make for yourself. Don’t misconstrue what I’m not saying. I’m not saying isolate yourself and just live under a rock. All I’m saying is know the difference between having someone support, uplift, and help you grow, verses tearing you down and you thinking that their helping you when their only hurting you.

Published by Jordan

Hey everyone. Thanks for stopping by. I love to read and write. I started this blog to hone my craft of writing and to discuss different topics pertaining to my life! I am self-published, "Pieces of Me: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories." I truly believe writing is an outlet for people to express how they feel, and hopefully when you read what I've written you'll be inspired.

3 thoughts on “Listen less and Grow more.

    1. Kajuan, I am glad you enjoyed my post. Yes,it is something we have talked about. It is something I hope to continue to do for myself, and I hope you continue to do for yourself too.


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